Ua tsaug rau koj txoj kev hlub thiab kev txhawb zog rau peb lub tuam txhab ntau xyoo, kom peb lub tuam txhab tuaj yeem txhim kho kev noj qab haus huv tsis tu ncua. Peb nyob tas litxhim kho kov npo ntau lawm technology los muab kev lag luam nrog ntau high-tech thiab yooj yim kov tshuab. Capacitive meter kov zaj duab xis.Nws muaj nees nkaum cov khoom hauv qhov ntau thiab tsawg, uas tuaj yeem ua raws li cov neeg siv khoom xav tau.
Khoom Princiua ple
Lub hauv paus ntsiab lus ntawm qhov projective capacitive touch foil technology belongs rau lub projective capacitive screen.Nws yog tsim los ntawm ob lub pob tshab nyias zaj duab xis, nrog ib daim phiaj matrix txheej uas muaj ib txheej ntawm hlau hlau crisscrossed los ntawm X and Y axes.Txhua matrix tsim ib chav induction uas muaj peev xwm paub qhov kov ntawm tib neeg txhais tes.Kov ntawv ci yog tib txoj kev tshiab tshaj tuaj yeem ua tiav nkhaus nto, tag nrho cov transprency, waterproof, anti-pollution, anti-lub teeb cuam tshuam, tsis muaj ncej thiab kov. ntawm iav.
Khoom nta: XTC series los ntawm 43 mus rau 180 ntiv tes, capacitive 40 kov cov ntsiab lus. / Waterproof IP67, pov thawj pov thawj thiab tiv thaiv kev ua qias tuaj. Kev lees paub ./ Lub teeb yuag, tuaj yeem ua tiav nkhaus nto, kev sib koom ua ke tsis muaj thav duab, ntshiab thiab zoo nkauj./ Transmittance ≥93%, muaj zog nkag mus, tag nrho-lub kaum ntse ntse tiv thaiv teeb pom kev zoo./ Zero siab kov, tuaj yeem nyem, luag, zoom hauv, zoom tawm, thiab tig.
Khoom Paub meej.Txhim kho qhov projected capacitive technology, nano-silver hlau mesh matrix es tsis txhob ntawm ITO txheej, ultra-nyias 0.2 hli pob tshab PET zaj duab xis, FPC muaj zoo yooj thiab siab yooj, siv siab ruaj khov IC thiab Circuit Court board, aluminium alloy plug USB, ntsaws thiab ua si. , tsis muaj tus tsav tsheb, ruaj khov dua, thiab lub sijhawm lees paub USB qhia 3 zaug, kev sib kis ceev 480Mbps.
Tab sis Kov ntawv tseem have Cov ntsiab lus rau kev mloog, Tom qab cov neeg siv khoom tau txais FOIL, yuav tsum ua li cas:
1) Tshawb xyuas lub apppob ntseg rau kev puas tsuaj;
2) Thaum zaj duab xis is tsis lo rau lub khob, qhov kov tsis zoo li qub, tab siskev taw qhia ntawm qhov kov tuaj yeem paub tseeb;
3) Ntsuas lub teeb liab to xyuas seb lub channel sab hauv ntawm tag nrho cov yeeb yaj kiab
tsis yogmal;
4) tus film yuav tsum tau txau nrog dej, tsis qhuav muab tshuaj txhuam;
DishwasHing kua thiab dej 1:50
5) Tsis muajt txiav zaj duab xis, tsis txhob quav zaj duab xis;
Kuv vam tias cov nanofilm tuaj yeem ua rau koj xav tsis thoob tshiab.

Post lub sij hawm: Jan-17-2024